Monday, September 12, 2011

A Trip To Mt Charleston

The boy came over for a visit and we decided that a quick trip up to Mt Charleston was in order so I grabbed my camera and off we went.
 Imagine my surprise when this huge flock? of quail went running across the road. There were more than 15 of them and all this same size. I'm guessing these are almost ready to leave the nest babies as I couldn't tell anyone one of them apart. All but five made it across the road when we drove up making these guys stay long enough for me to get this shot of them.

 I know this flower is a weed of sorts and a sticker bush to boot but isn't it gorgeous?

We were trying to figure out what kind of trees these are. I don't believe they are birch but I'm not really sure. Aspen? Quaking Oak? Yes, I'm totally guessing.

A quick shot right up the trunk of one of them. Notice the carvings? People have been carving their names and dates into the trunks of these trees for years.

1 comment:

Colorfuldayz said...

I fell in love with that purple weed in July ... found a whole patch on the side of the road. They were so gorgeous, but looked pretty mean, too, with all the spikes. I think it is called musk thistle.