Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Another Baby Bird to Add To The Roster and a Challenge

I must really be a magnet for baby birds!

This one came to me by way of bad little Emily who insists on being a hunter no matter what I tell her. I think she just wants to play but my goodness.Do you see how insanely tiny he is? I was hoping that I could identify what species he is but I'm just not sure.
For being quite young he's got insanely bushy old man brows, dontcha think, hehe.
I had just finished little Howard here the day the little bird came into my life and I just love how I accidentally caught them both in the same exact pose...well, without the bushy eyebrows.

Little mobile home, always on the go.

Home being a little more permanent with these little guys. Itty bitty chubby houses.

On another note, today is June 1st and I've decided that I'm going to start something a little new and different. A challenge to myself if you will. I want to start something along the lines of art 365 or art a day although knowing that would be far too ambitious for me I will settle for at least one new artwork each week.
I would love some company along this journey for anyone willing to join in. A challenge to be creative and post it!
I'm thinking maybe Thursdays would be a good day, at least to start.
I may need a good swift kick from time to time, you know, to keep me on my toes!
What say you?


giddy up said...

I think that is a great idea... one always needs encouragment here and there...

Cheryl Ann said...

Great Idea on the project a week. :) I've been TRYING the 365, but well....

Sweet little bird there. Hope he does okay.

And your mobile home piece is TOO adorable!